Santa came upon a unique opportunity this Summer, the chance to buy a mall-sized Santa Chair. This picture, taken at the seller's retail-furnishings store, doesn't do it justice, it is ginormous!
I have spent weeks developing a delivery crate that will allow one man with a winch and ramps to load and unload this beast on a truck.
This is the perfect prop for a big event that needs a grand statement piece to anchor the Santa set. The chair-back is so large it obviates the need for a backdrop! We can provide just the chair, Santa plus chair, or a whole photo operation including preview station and prints on site taken by a professional photographer.
Rental Restrictions: Delivery requires a handicapped-accessible venue, with minimum door widths of 48". The chair is delivered on a rolling cart (with non-marring urethane wheels), but if the chair needs to be lifted or carried it takes two strong people as it weighs about 350 lbs. The upholstery is only suitable for use sheltered from the weather and should not be exposed to artificial snow or bubble, which WILL damage the velvet (regardless of what the machine claims).
More photos, information and pricing to come soon.
Our winch and ramps setup for loading and unloading the. Ginormous Santa Chair® and crate. The top half of the crate has rubber wheels on the back to negotiate the ramp. The bottom of the crate detaches and rolls into the venue, on non-marring urethane casters.